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Orijin 2023 Simao Sheng Bing 100g

Malý koláč zeleného (sheng) pu-erhu naší produkce pod značkou Orijin.Žlutý nálev jiskřivé barvy a čerstvé vůně s plnou, ovocně nasládlou a svěžě říznou chutí se sládnoucím aftertastem.Čaj má v sobě znatelnou sílu, vydrží mnoho nálevů (můžete jej směle vychutnávat během celého dne) a má slušný potenciál k dalšímu zrání.

Yi Wu Ma Hei 2024 Sheng Bing 200g

Koláč zeleného (raw) pueru z výroby podniku Song Pin 1880. Sesbírán z přibližně 100 letých čajovníkových stromů (xiao shu).Ve vůni se snoubí čtyři profily - byliny, dřevo, ovoce a květiny, jejichž poměr se postupně proměňuje s každým nálevem.Chuť už ztratila klasickou puerovou čerstvost, naproti tomu už se vyvinula výrazná sladkost, která je doplněná stále ještě citelnou hořkostí a kyselostí. Ty se v průběhu let budou stále přeměňovat na sladkost a kulatost.Nálev je plný, středně lehký, s lehkou ovocností a dřevitostí. Čaj vydržel 12 nálevů, takže je vhodný k  celodennímu popíjení.

Bada 2017 Gushu Ping Cha 100g

A green (sheng) pu-erh cake pressed from the leaves of wild old tea trees. A mixture of maocha from trees aged 150 and over from the wider Ba Da mountain region. Carefully selected trees harvested only once a year in the spring.Relatively strong and refreshing, clean taste with pleasant tones. At the end with a distinctly sweet taste which gradually deepens and develops. Bada teas are often compared to Bulang teas, only they have a thinner, fresh taste and a unique aroma.The tea has great strength, lasts many infusions (you can boldly enjoy it throughout the day) and has great potential for further maturation. Excellent now but in 5-10 years (and later) it will still be more delicious and better!

Wu Liang Shan 2012 Sheng Bing Cha 400g

Large sheng puer cake pressed from spring 2012 maocha picked on mount Wu Liang.Dark-yellow dense infusion with a distinctly fruity aroma. Full, fruity-sweet, balanced flavors with a sweet aftertaste. Still very strong, but already slightly matured and aged puer with great potential for further maturation.Purchased from an archive warehouse of the Wu Liang Feng Guan producer.

Yue Guang Bai “White Moonlight”

"White moonlight" - known as 'white pu-erh' - a special green (sheng) pu-erh with a difference in processing, where the leaves are allowed to fade at night after harvest, instead of in the sun, as is usual in maocha. A large proportion of dull silvery, large hairy tips gives the tea an attractive appearance.The color of the infusion is yellowish and smells mostly of herbs with a little fruit. The taste is sweet, very complex and develops with each subsequent infusion, with a bit of bitterness gradually appearing and encouraging the distinctive flavors typical of green (sheng) pu-erhas.

Lao Mao Cha 1992

Mao Cha from 1992 is a successful Pu Erh with a taste of quality, naturally matured Mao Cha. The aroma and taste are typically sweetly earthy, the taste is slightly smelled of dried fruit. The tea does not have roasted tones (quality production process) and is very delicate.Infusion of dark orange to red color, sweet with a long refreshing aftertaste.

Maocha 2020

Green (sheng) pu-erh or even better maocha from the southern areas of Yunnan. Large leaves (Da Ye) smell thin and very fresh. Tea has traditionally been dried in the sun, without accelerated modern drying in the oven, and therefore does not contain the slightest hint of unpleasant smoked.The taste is very delicate, sweet and, unlike classic green pu-erhas, it doesn't even have many fruity tones. You will find in it rather light sweetness and freshness, floral tones and long-lasting gentle aftertaste.