Yunnan Bai Mu Dan
„Bílá pivoňka“ – známkou vysoké kvality je přirozený tvar listů, hluboká, lesklá šedozelená barva a velký podíl ‚bai hao‘ – bílých chloupků z tipsů.Barva nálevu je žlutavě-jantarová, vůně květinová. Chuť hladká a zároveň plná, kulatá. Aftertaste dlouhý, příjemně sladký. Čaj stačí luhovat jen krátce, nálevů vydrží mnoho.
Green Monkey
Keemun Mao Feng
"Qimen Mao Feng" or "Qimen Fur Peak " - the top class of Keemun, the highest level in our offer. Unlike the lower classes, the leaves are not processed by machine but exclusively by hand. This makes the infusion cleaner and more balanced.The taste is thin, fresh with a very pleasant and long aftertaste. Flower and fruit tones, lightly chocolate, are significantly represented.The dry leaf is long, thin, slightly twisted. Multi-infusion tea more than suitable for preparation in the style of Gong Fu Cha.
Pai Mu Tan King
"Royal White Peony" - an excellent class of traditional white tea. The mark of high quality is the natural shape of the leaves, deep, shiny gray-green color and a large proportion of 'bai hao' - white hairs (from tips).The color of the infusion is yellowish-amber, the aroma is floral, reminiscent of the peony. The taste is smooth as silk and at the same time full, round. Aftertaste is very long, pleasantly sweet.