Bamboo Leaf (zhu ye)
Bamboo leaves from Lao Shan in Shandong Province. In Chinese medicine, it is traditionally used against fever and heat, it also has an anti-inflammatory and beneficial effect on the kidneys, it is diuretic, removes mucus and has a relaxing effect on veins. Overall, it cleanses the airways, refreshes and quenches thirst, so it is very suitable for drinking during the summer and hot days.
Zip Doypacks
2003 Tibet Jin Jian Zhuan 260g
Momordica Charantia (ku gua)
Momordica charantia (ku gua) - creeping or creeping, pumpkin-like plant with herbaceous shoots up to 5 m long. Its tendrils are branched, leaves typically palmately five to seven-lobed, flowers unisexual, five-fold, yellow in color, with distinct veins. The fruits are 5-25 cm long, spindle-shaped, with a wrinkled surface, ripening yellow. The plant has been introduced to virtually all tropical areas.