Showing 1–9 of 15 results

Násypka list

Porcelánová násypka na čaj ve tvaru listu. Používá se pro ocenění suchých čajových lístků při přípravě stylem Gong Fu Cha

Old bamboo tweezers

Simple tweezers made of old bamboo for handling cups during a gongfu ceremony.

Pu-erh tea needle

Needle for convenient division of pu-erh or other pressed teas.


Rosewood Tea Awl

Tea awl (needle) encased in a rosewood screw cover. Insert the needle into the edge of the tea cake, and then gently work it up and down until the tea loosens and falls off.

Tea Lotus

White porcelain tea lotus - used for display and evaluation of dry tea leaves before steeping.